At Handbag DOMINATION, we sell the best new and nearly new exotic skin handbags, luggage, and accessories at a fraction of retail. Our focus is on internationally renowned designers like Lana Marks, Judith Leiber, Giorgio’s of Palm Beach, Ferragamo, Fendi, Gucci….If you are an up-and-coming lady lawyer, real estate agent, or financial advisor who is rubbing elbows with highly successful women, you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that the handbag, briefcase, or clutch you are wearing is every bit as lovely as theirs, and no one will know you paid a whole lot less!
our Current Inventory includes
April 29-May 2
Planet Hollywood, Las Vegas
Sarasota editor and publisher Liz Coursen bought her first alligator product—a 3-piece alligator luggage set—in 1983, and she hasn’t looked back. When buying exotic skin handbags for her Handbag Domination collection, Liz looks for the brands which, in her opinion, marry top-quality craftsmanship with classic design. “My clients are ladies who want the very best but still appreciate a good deal,” she says. “The handbags I buy are all in excellent condition and absolutely authentic. I typically have 120 totes, clutches, shoulder bags, luggage, and accessories in stock and ready to go. If a lady wants a terrific deal on a new or nearly new exotic skin handbag by famous brands like Lana Marks and Judith Leiber, Handbag Domination will be a very exciting shopping experience.”